I'm a nerdfighter who loves my friends and Harry Potter.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Famous Deaths and Harry Potter... =(

So, Michael Jackson died? And Farrah Fawcett? Wow. Not fun day for famous people.

Moving on... So today a horrible thought popped into my head. What if I missed out completely on the Harry Potter fandom? What if they stop having conferences before I get to go to one? What if all the awesome internet people forgot about it before I got on there? What if Jo never writes anything else... ever? How would my life be? What if Wizard Rock bands stopped touring and making albums? I think I would die. And my way off in the future children? They won't get to experience anything. This is a depressing thought. It makes me so sad that I decided to go blog about it to about one person. Yeah. It's not like Twitter or anything, where random people follow you for no reason. I guess it's just my way of venting my feelings.

1 comment:

  1. wow.
    you must have been depressed. lolz.
    but i see your point.
    omfg, if i ever have kids, im gonna read the whole series to my unborn child, problem solved. and im gonna try my best to get them into Hogwarts. and they CANT forget about HP, he's like the best thing ever.
