I'm a nerdfighter who loves my friends and Harry Potter.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Book of Blood

Ummm. I have excuses.  I have barely been on the internet the past few weeks, and when I am my priorities are email, then twitter, youtube, then blogspot.  Im sorry. I usually never even get through Twitter before my mum yells at me to get off.  In the past I have thought of things to say, but they never made it here.  So, my head will just turn into this blog.  It won't be long.  It won't be deep.  So don't be disappointed.

     I love Charlie (Charlieissocoollike).  Seriously.  If I ever met him I would flip out and try to ignore him and then he would be scared of me because having a twelve-year-old crush on you when you are 18 is not appealing.  Oh well.  I do like someone "real" but he might as well be on the internet.  I have NO chance with him at all.  Not that I have a chance with any guy, but he is waaaaaay out of my league.  He is "popular" and only dates "popular" girls, which I am DEFINITELY not.  Gah.  I dislike life.  Not really, living is cool, but I don't know.  I wish it was easier.  I wish the guy that I am meant to be with was just there, for me to meet and love, and him to love me back.  But that won't happen.  =(

     So, last night I watched a movie called Clive Barker's Book of Blood.  I watched it because the British sexiness that is Jonas Armstrong plays the main character.  If you want to save your stomache then DO NOT WATCH IT!  I turned my head to the couch at really gross parts and I still felt nautious at certain points.  The Mary lady is insane and evil.  I will spoil it only because you should never watch it and so I won't feel bad.  I won't talk about the begining because I don't care about that part.  Except for this one part where this girl's face got ripped off.  That was awful.  *pukes*  So the dead wanted to get their message across, so they literally cut it on Simon (Jonas Armstrong).  The evil Mary woman decied that they should "listen" to the ghosts and decied to offer up Simon to them.  So she would strip and set him up every night (I think it was every night; they didn't say) and the dead would come and cut him.  Then she would read him and wrote books about it.  She got rich off of his pain.  WTF???  He managed to escape and some guy that worked for Mary captured him.  Simon begged to die quickly, so the man cut his throat.  Then they skinned his dead body and put it in a breifcase so that they could preserve the "book".  The man drowned at one point in imaginary blood (one minute he was drowning in it and the next he was dead on the dry floor). At the end Mary held up Simon's skin and the ghosts were still writing on it.  I thought they were going to be like, "Oh. He's dead. Let's go cut that Mary woman instead!"  But they didn't.  Oh well.  The only thing I liked was when Simon was yelling and my mind was screaming "OMG THAT IS SO ROBIN HOOD!!!!!!!!" LOL.  So the moral of the story is don't watch a movie just because one of your favorite actors is in it.  Ok? Because it might make you sick.

Sexy: British guys.  I think I have a Katherines thing going on, just with British guys.  They are just bettter than these stupid Americans.  Even the guy I liked way back in fifth grade had British parents, even though he was born here.
Unsexy: Gross movies.  bleh.  I made the color the closest to blood I could find.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha. It wasn't that gross to me. You're supposed to be the toughie! But yeah, the yelling part was so Robin Hood. I'm supposed to be asleep now, but my illness prevents me from doing so. In the 30 minutes after I logged off of Twitter, my fever went up, by eyes got swollen and puffy, and I coughed my throat raw. Owie.
